A Story of Longevity

For my Life-cycles & Aging course, I was asked to write an essay about someone I know who I believe has aged well. I chose to write about my grandparents, Marcel and Linda Bourque. Enjoy 🙂 A Story of Longevity When asked to write about someone I know that has aged well, the first people that popped … Continue reading A Story of Longevity

Taking the Long Way Home

Last night, I had nothing in my schedule. I had the whole night to myself. Originally, I had planned on just biking home, jumping on the couch and not really moving for the rest of the night (it was my first night off in what felt like a long time, I was damn well going to spend it any way I wanted!). But instead, I changed my route.

Nutrition to Prevent Disease?!

I attended an event last night to listen to Dr. Michael Greger speak about his book and the endless research he's pored over proving that nutrition has a major impact on our health. It was a full house! Dr. Greger highlighted how our diets can either increase or decrease our risk from the leading causes … Continue reading Nutrition to Prevent Disease?!

Exercise and Mental Health

I don't know about you, but when I get stressed, overwhelmed, upset, or just a general feeling of being down, the last thing I want to do is exercise. When in reality, the first thing I need to do is get my body moving!

Meal Prep Sundays

How productive my Sunday is can sometimes be an indicator of how healthy or stressful my week is going to be. Sunday is typically my day for doing laundry, tidying up the apartment, and doing groceries. It's important that I get myself organized on Sunday, because Mondays (and lately Tuesdays as well) are usually pretty hectic with work … Continue reading Meal Prep Sundays

Habits: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly

The thing about habit is that sometimes we don't notice that something has become a habit until it's a deeply ingrained habit. And by that point, breaking that not-so-great habit becomes a bit tricky. When you've been running on autopilot, it can be difficult to stop. You need to re-train your brain and your body.